Thanks For All Your Generous Donations – We’ve Managed to Raise a Whopping £2,000 for the Royal National Lifeboat Institute!

Posted: 11th November, 2016

It feels great to do some fundraising; and the Silver Bay community are some of the most generous people we’ve ever had the pleasure to know. So it really does come as as no surprise that we managed to raise such an astounding amount of money this summer. £2,000 to be precise! For the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.

Known as the RNLI for short, the charity is one that’s incredibly close to our heart. We like to make sure that we support the charity that makes water activities around the UK safe.

Over the summer we organised a range of fundraising activities to raise this fantastic amount. These included a bake sale, a tennis tournament featuring a tuck shop ran by our Busy Bayers, and a fantastic sand castle competition. Our Spa and Leisure complex also hosted an array of activities that allowed us to achieve such an amazing amount.

Chris Buckley, Operations Manager at Silver Bay explained that, “living and holidaying on Anglesey gives our community at Silver Bay a heightened awareness of the hard work and support of the brave RNLI volunteers. We endeavour to find fundraising opportunities to support the RNLI crews to have the best equipment possible, and this summer was the most fruitful yet!”

General Manager, Jamie Hughes, is also incredibly proud of all the people who donated. “It’s really great to see all ages join in and celebrate such a great cause – many of the owners have boats and enjoy their time at sea safe in the knowledge that the RNLI are active in the area. It’s great to give back, and I can’t wait to continue supporting the RNLI with our future fundraising activities.”

We’d like to thank everyone who donated to the cause. If you missed out, don’t worry. We’ll be hosting even more fundraising opportunities as we head through the last part of 2016.