Crystal Clear Quartz Spa Range at Silver Bay

Posted: 27th August, 2019

Earlier this year, we introduced the Crystal Clear Quartz Spa range to complement our award-winning skincare treatments. And it’s already been a hit with our customers! But what is Crystal Clear Quartz Spa? Keep reading to find out more about this fantastic new range.

What is Crystal Clear Quartz Spa?

Quartz Spa was developed alongside a leading international spa consultant and is a revolutionary new approach to aromatherapy. It combines the power of Quartz crystals with three incredible lifestyle blends – these are Hope, Happiness and Energise. Each blend is bursting with powerful aromatherapy oils which help to restore joy, harmony, hope and total happiness.

Inspired by nature to help soothe and recharge, Quartz Spa takes the purest ingredients and most powerful crystals to create effective and indulgent therapies for the mind, body and soul.

Now you know a bit more about Crystal Clear Quartz Spa, why not give it a try for yourself? We offer a full range of professional treatment rituals and a complimentary retail range that include hand-poured candles, massage oils and body washes. Our treatment rituals are perfect for anyone looking to tackle the stresses and strains of modern life, including massages, scrubs and wraps to facials and eye treatments. For example, reset your body clock with the Jet Lag Reviver or achieve deep relaxation with our Mum-To-Be Massage – plus much more!

Here’s what some of our happy customers are saying already:

“I was really impressed with my aromatherapy massage with the lovely Emma – I actually fell asleep at one point.” – Fiona R (Quartz Spa Massage Ritual)

“Products are amazing, I fully recommend the bath oils and ‘Hope’ is the best blend!” – Claire W (Quartz Spa Pure Heaven Ritual)

“I really believe in crystal healing now, my back felt amazing after my treatment and I was totally relaxed!” – Janet E (Quartz Spa Aromatherapy Back Ritual)

So, if you would like to find out more about the Spa at Silver Bay or, for more information or to book, please contact our spa team on 01407 862049.