Silver Bay Receives Green Coast Award 2019

Posted: 22nd May, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that we received a Green Coast Award by Keep Wales Tidy.

The Green Coast Award recognises the beautiful, untouched and rugged beaches for their excellent water quality and unspoiled environment. Unlike the beaches that have received a Blue Flag Award, a Green Coast Award beach doesn’t have the infrastructure and intensive management generally associated with the more traditional seaside resort.

In order to receive the Green Coast Award the beach must comply with the following criteria:

  • Have excellent water quality
  • Encourage dog and horse owners to clean up after their animals by providing suitable facilities and literature
  • Have a guardianship scheme in place
  • Provide information on locally organised environmental activities
  • Public access to the beach must be safe and well maintained

Wales has some of the most beautiful and well managed beaches in the world. The Wales Coast Awards help to raise environmental awareness, recognise good practice and promote Wales as an international destination.

18 beaches in Wales received the Green Coast Award this year, recognising all the hidden gems on our coastline. The award helps to encourage people to “adopt” areas of the coast. This helps contribute towards the sustainability of the area while promoting volunteering. We are also the first private business to apply for a coast award on behalf of a beach.

The local contribution is evident in recent news with Anglesey announced as the UK’s first Plastic Free Community. This was decided by the marine conservation charity, Surfers Against Sewage.

What other environmental initiatives are we involved in?

Obeewan Silver Bay beekeeper

Our dedication to preserving the natural environment and supporting British wildlife is a priority for us. We also received the David Bellamy Gold Award for our commitment to protecting the local wildlife, reducing energy use, recycling waste, and supporting the local community. As part of our commitment to the rural environment and the impact of the coastal path, we have also started to plant indigenous species to re-establish the flora and fauna.

And not forgetting our honey bees. The bees are still in their winter home at the moment but will be moving back this month. They were very busy during the warm spell in April; so much so that we had to hire an extra pair of hands (or paws). We also made up some extra frames in anticipation but Obeewan was too busy eating all the honey so our beekeeper, Jonathan, had to do it all by himself. Starting in the May half term holidays, we will be offering ‘Meet the Bees’ sessions throughout the summer so our owners can have the opportunity to meet the queen and her workers.

You can find out more about our beach and Boat park as well as any further updates on our ongoing work to benefit the local wildlife and environment.