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The Benefits of Resistance Training for Cyclists

The Benefits of Resistance Training for Cyclists

Posted: 30th July, 2024

Increase Your Power Output

Cycling is a demanding sport that primarily engages the cardiovascular system and lower body muscles. Incorporating resistance training into your regimen can offer numerous benefits that enhance performance, prevent injury and promote overall strength.

Resistance training, particularly focusing on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, helps cyclists generate more power during pedalling. Strengthening these muscles can lead to improved sprinting ability, hill climbing, and overall speed. A stronger upper body from resistance training can even contribute to better bike handling and stability.

Weight-bearing resistance exercises, such as squats and lunges, can increase your bone density—a crucial benefit for cyclists, especially as we age. Stronger bones and joints are better able to withstand the repetitive stress of cycling and can reduce the risk of fractures or osteoporosis.

Tailor your resistance workouts to complement your cycling goals and focus on exercises that strengthen those key muscle groups. By doing so, you can enjoy the advantages of a well-rounded training regimen that will maximise your potential on the bike.

Unsure of how to perform the strength-based exercises you need? Or on how to efficiently structure your training? Book a BayPT Free Consultation at the Spa at Silver Bay to find the best way forward for you!

Level Up Your Recovery

Resistance training will aid your recovery post-ride by enhancing blood flow to fatigued muscles and promoting faster tissue repair and growth. If you are recovering from an injury, targeted resistance exercises can be integral to rehabilitation, restoring strength and function to the affected areas.

Due to repetitive motion and poor posture, cycling can create muscle imbalances and overuse injuries. Resistance training helps correct these imbalances by strengthening your supporting muscles and stabilisers, reducing the risk of common cycling injuries like knee pain, lower back strain and IT band syndrome.

Pre-existing injuries and joint pain can be the bane of your existence as a cyclist who relishes competition. Rebuild joint and muscle functionality and prolong your athletic lifespan, by addressing these issues and finding ways to maximise your training with the movements you enjoy. With BayPT bespoke programming, we can work to your strengths and build upon your weaknesses to get you fighting fit and race ready.

Here at the Spa at Silver Bay, why not take advantage of our fantastic spa facilities for recovery benefits? The heat from time spent in the sauna and steam rooms enhances the circulation of oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body. This, in turn, helps repair muscles damaged by exercise, so you can get back in the saddle faster!

Enhance Your Endurance

While cycling predominantly builds endurance in the cardiovascular system, resistance training can complement this by improving your muscular endurance. Stronger muscles can delay fatigue during long rides and provide greater efficiency in pedal strokes.

Regular resistance training can also positively impact your key performance metrics such as lactate threshold, VO2 max and overall aerobic capacity. By incorporating exercises that target these areas (such as interval training and plyometrics), cyclists can see improvements in their overall fitness levels and cycling performance.

Adding variety to a cyclist’s training programme through resistance training can prevent boredom and mental fatigue associated with repetitive cycling workouts. Cross-training with resistance exercises can keep training interesting while providing physical benefits that translate directly to cycling performance.

Here at the Silver Bay Gym we host daily fitness classes, such as BayPT SPIN, Core HIIT and Circuit S&C – all of which focus on different styles of interval training. Challenge your body in new ways and be prepared for all the challenges that come with a varied and diverse bike ride!

Final Preparations for Race Day

Wake up early. Hydrate with electrolytes (water + salt). Have a light, familiar breakfast and arrive at the venue with ample time to warm up and get settled. Follow a warm-up routine to get your muscles ready. Avoid excessive training or strenuous activities the day before. Ensure you get adequate sleep the night before and nights leading up to the event – this might mean setting a bedtime!

Get your head straight with mental preparation. Visualise the race and set realistic goals. Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to calm those pre-race nerves. Run through and check all of your equipment – inspect and tune up your bike, ensuring

brakes, tyres and gears are all in good condition. Prepare a race-day kit with essentials like spare tubes, tools and nutrition.

Eat balanced meals rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats, avoiding unfamiliar foods close to race day. Carb-load the day before you race for maximum energy. Stay hydrated as you follow the last steps in your structured training plan, which should include endurance rides, resistance training, interval training and recovery days. Taper off intensity and volume in the final week.

Why stop there? Once you have participated in this event, look at the areas you could improve on for next time. If you need help structuring your training or working towards new goals – book a BayPT Free Consultation to find the best way forward for you!

Keep progressing and evolving your training. Maintain the resistance training and interval training techniques you have developed over the past few months and make sure you can keep doing what you love doing for longer!

Articles by: Glen Davies, BayPT

Get in touch: on Instagram @Bay_PT

on TikTok @Glen_BayPT

or via Spa at Silver Bay: spa@silverbay.co.uk or call (01407) 862049