Why It Pays To Holiday At Home

Posted: 16th January, 2015

Rain lashing down, post-Christmas slump, and long, dark, cold evenings – it’s no wonder the January blues have reared their grumpy head for many of us! Here at Silver Bay, we’ve closed down for the season and are eagerly awaiting our lodge owners to return. Whilst we’re in hibernation, we thought it would be nice to inspire and lift you with an insight into the holiday season here at Silver Bay and why it really does pay to holiday at home:

Save money, make more memories

Holidaying abroad can be a rather pricey affair.

With all the extra expense, you’re lucky if you’ve got a few Euros to rub together on your last day! The beauty of having a holiday at home is you can spend as much or as little as you like. Staying in a lodge at Silver Bay requires only that you pack your car with enough snacks and supplies to ensure a comfortable stay for you and the family. There’s no pressure to go out on a staycation, just kick back relax and enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest. When you do venture out, a stroll on the beach with the dog or a trip up to our spa cost nothing, and the memories you make are priceless.

Embrace our rich British heritage

Anglesey is an island filled with rich, natural heritage. Taking the little ones fishing, crabbing, or seal spotting on the coast is a magical experience that will stay with them forever. Seeing the beauty of nature on our doorstep is essential for helping children to understand the importance of safeguarding their environment and also a reminder to adults just how precious it is.

Say goodbye to stress

The build-up to a holiday abroad can sometimes be the reason a holiday is needed! Preparation on top of a hectic schedule can be a nightmare. With a holiday home on your doorstep, if you set off a couple of hours later, or if you’ve forgotten the travel plug, it’s not an issue!

Only a couple of hours from major North West cities, Silver Bay is an easy escape.

Holiday at Home with Friends and Family

Hosting a weekend for guests in your holiday lodge is a great opportunity for friends and family to get together for a special weekend away. Coordinating a week abroad with more than five is an arduous task. But driving down after work on a Friday and meeting at the lodge is simple. Catch up with your friends over wine and dinner and let the children play safe in the knowledge that they are protected in the grounds of the holiday village. Spend some quality time with family and friends – these are precious memories that can be made time and time again.

Boost the UK’s economy

When you invest in a holiday home in the UK, you are directly boosting the UK economy. A recent report from Barclays shows that Britons who holiday in the UK will contribute £108bn to the economy by 2017, which will help the hospitality and leisure sector to grow by more than a quarter in the next four years. This is excellent news for the recovering UK economy as the UK’s ‘Staycation Nation’ shows their support. What’s better still, the more you invest in the UK economy, the more growth you will see. This means more restaurants, more activities and more memories to be made for all the family. Now, if we could just sort out the small matter of sunshine, we think we’d be pretty sorted!

If you have any further reasons to staycation to add to our list, join in the conversation on Twitter, @SilverBay_ using hashtag #SilverBayDays. If we haven’t yet convinced you that a ‘Staycation’ is better than staying abroad, let us know too! Comment below and let’s discuss.